“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.” -Psalm 103:8
Aleph Kaf Aleph is known as the root of the soul. It is used to help one bring order to their life by helping them connect to their soul, the Born Again new life created the moment one’s heart is pierced. We are incarnated five times:
- From eternal intelligence to spirit being
- From spirit being (first estate) to mortal being (second estate)
- The birth of our souls as we are born again in Jesus Christ
- The death of our bodies, leaving us spirit and soul
- The resurrection where all stages combine into one, our true selves
Being Born Again is the third stage, and it means we must grow in Grace. Aleph Kaf Aleph helps us connect with our souls. This in turn helps us connect with the Holy Spirit that we may grow in Christ’s Grace. As we do this, our perception changes. Aleph Kaf Aleph helps us bring order to our lives, and better comprehend these changes.
Aleph (or alef, or alif) is the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It signifies the number one, or 1,000 when referring to years. Aleph shows us the Oneness and Unity of God, either as the trinity, one God acting as many, or as the Godhead, many Gods acting as one. The unity of God cannot be divided. This perfect unity, being one as Christ pleaded for his disciples to be one, represents perfection beyond human comprehension (John 17:11). It also represents the fact that God, as the Creator, is the source of everything.
You may notice that some draw Aleph is two Yods; one above and one below, with a diagonal line, Vav, between them. This represents the sealing power: as above so below, as below so above, as Christ asked in His introductory prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). This teaches us that the higher world and the lower world are connected. Aleph is the essential symbol of beginnings: the Alpha.
Kaf (or khaf, or kaph) is the eleventh letter of the the Hebrew Alphabet. It signifies the number 20, or 500 when in its final form. Khaf literally means “monkey.” It is like a cupped outstretched palm, ready to receive, like the right hand portion of the Second Token of the Lesser Priesthood, and the left hand portion of the First Token of the Higher Priesthood mudras. Kaf represents form, a form that contains the life and energy of the person using it. Being a chalice sign, it also represents Jesus Christ and the element of water.
The letter of formation, bending the straight line into a curved shape, symbolizes the crown of the Torah which is Keter כתר. Khaf teaches us to shape ourselves, we are liquid bending the ego to the shape our character, Christ. Kaf (representing Christ) is what gives us form. As we bend and govern our tendencies, we shape our character. We can only do this by rejecting Ego for humility. Like a potter shaping clay, Kaf recreates us in God’s image. All possibilities of containing, building, and the formation of all existence are represented. Remember, Christ is the creator of worlds. We recreate ourselves through his mercy, if not then the fire of the Holy Spirit would burn us to cinder. Thus Kaf changes us by reminding us of who we really are.
Mantras, Mandalas, & Mudras
The mantra here is “Aleph Kaf Aleph .” This should be said or thought on a inhale of breath, and again on an exhale. One may also add a phrase or short passage of scripture. Example: inhale, “Aleph Kaf Aleph ;” exhale, “Born A-gain” or “One with God” to better let the spirit breathe.
While doing this one may wish to draw the letters in Hebrew, as seen above, or look at them. Some images to combine to create a mandala would be an image one associates with birth or connections. One should use images that remind them of giving and receiving, new life, or ascension.
The prayer mudra is excellent with this Name. The gyan mudra would also work with this Name. This is made by placing the index fingertip to the tip of the thumb while holding the other three fingers straight. Other mudras may be used as well, as the Spirit directs.
Temple Mudra
If one holds priesthood keys they may use the temple mudras with this mantra to gain greater spiritual guidance. Endowing Aleph Kaf Aleph with power from the temple will unlock doors into worlds without end for the righteous. Temple tokens used in conjunction with the Shem HaMephorash mantras will unlock the power of God, and the power of His temple, in one’s life.
For those inducted in to the Priesthood and given the Second Sign of the Lesser Priesthood, the Sign of the Law of Sacrifice, would be appropriate. The Sign of the Law of the Gospel is made by bringing the right hand in front, with the hand, palm up, in cupping shape, the right arm forming a square; the left arm is raised to the square, the palm of the hand to the front, the fingers close together, and the thumb extended. The sign of the Son is made by bringing the left hand in front, with the hand in cupping shape, the left arm forming a square in reverence to the bitter cup from which Jesus drank.

Incredulità di San Tommaso by Caravaggio, 1601–1602
For Elders and High Priests or High Priestesses, the Sign of the Son may also be used. The sign of the Son (as in, Jesus Christ; the Son of God, or Son of Man) is made by bringing the left hand in front, with the hand in cupping shape, the left arm forming a square. This is in reverence to the bitter cup from which Jesus drank (3 Nephi 5:12 RAV, 11:11 OPV). The right hand is then brought forward, with the palm facing down, the fingers close together, the thumb extended, placed over the left hip. This is in reverence of the wound in his side, which was pierced by a spear, that his bones not be broken (John 19: 33-34).
One may use the following prayer to help begin and/or end the process:
Lord God: My heart is pierced and open to you. My soul being born unto you, I receive from your Word, your Grace, and your will full abetment of the forces of Eden and of your Creation. I pray thee, Lord, restore meaning to my life that has often felt meaningless. Give purpose to me in a world that often appears arbitrary. As I walk the path of teshuvah, bless me to see the structure once again arising as I align my will to Thy path, and I once again perceive your holiness in the fabric of your creation. So mote it be; Amen.
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This is the real Christian life.