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Edification – Page 20 – The Fellowship of Christ

Meeting in Reverence Before the Lord

As we meet together as Saints, some have asked the proper way to organize services. The correct answer of course is, by the Spirit. That said, the Lord has given us instructions on this topic through Raphael, as he spoke to Adam and Eve. These instructions should be used in our home temples, in our Synagogues, Tabernacles, and Temples for personal and group worship.

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Happiness Letter

The following letter was written by Joseph Smith Jr. to Nancy Rigdon, the daughter of early Church Leader Sidney Rigdon, in 1842. It may also be found recorded in Joseph Smith, History Volume D, dated August 27, 1842. This Epistle was voted on and sustained as canon for use in the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship by the Assembly of Saints April 6, 2020. It will be included in the Epistles of Joseph Smith Jr. in the Doctrines…

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The Aleph-bet: Dalet, Hei, and Vav

There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew Aleph-bet (alphabet). This brief overview will define three of them, Dalet, Hei, and Vav, and go over the basics of their mystical interpretations. In Mormon Kabbalah, these these letters help us gain a direct spiritual communication going beyond mere words. Meditation with the letters is a common practice in Kabbalah to help facilitate spiritual growth.

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Quantum Vision (Part 2)

I am going to try and describe something that is interesting to me. When I say “try to describe” I have to ask myself, how do you put pen to paper to name, identify something that is not tangible. Only end results give it identity.

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