Come Ye apart and be a Peculiar People
We must evaluate whether we are more concerned about being seen as normal by society or whether we are concerned about fulfilling our Divine plans.
We must evaluate whether we are more concerned about being seen as normal by society or whether we are concerned about fulfilling our Divine plans.
The Holy Bible is a collection of the oldest of God’s words to mankind. It consists of the writings of the ancient Jews, including the Christian Jews that followed Christ and their message to the gentiles . “Bible” is a plural Greek word meaning “Books.”
Seeing that Section 130 of the Church of Jesus Chrsit of Latter-day Saints (CJCLdS) book of Doctrine and Covenants (DaC) came from two sources, for the purposes of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship, both are presented here in their entirety. Corresponding Sections and verses in the CJCLdS DaC are noted in [brackets]. Willard Richards From the Joseph Smith Jr. Journals, 1842–1844, Book 2, pp. 35, 37–44 and President Joseph Smith’s Journal Dec. 1842–June 1844 pages 3-4 in…
Two nights before I wrote this, I had a strong prompting to write something in praise of The Book of Remembrance, telling people how it is wrong according so many doctrines of different denominations, but how it is not actually wrong at all in reference to God and His Glory and Desire for our happiness and futures.
“Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies’ sake.” -Psalms 6:4 KJV Ayin Lamed Mem is a meditation to help us remove negative emotions or thoughts. Negative emotions feed Ego, and we think selfishly as fear and panic rule us. Ayin Lamed Mem reminds us that God’s divine providence is by our side. As we find our centers and detach ourselves from negative influences, balance and harmony return to us.
Good afternoon brothers and sisters. It is great to be with you today. Brother North reached out to me over a month ago about this talk and I have thought and prayed a lot about what I would share with you. The theme continues to be about friendship and love I am hopeful that the spirit will be here and touch your heart by some of the ideas and things I share.