Be Ye One
You are able to know me because you celebrate, even cherish, the virtues that define me; define eternal life; define divinity.
Mormonism has kept my interest pretty well with the worldview altering ideas and theology.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV In rabbinic Judaism there are four types or levels of study called pardes. These are: P’shat (פְּשָׁט) – “surface” is the literal or direct interpretation, taking the words at their most basic and literal meaning. Remez (רֶמֶז) – “hints” the allegoric. the hidden or symbolic meaning when we look a little deeper, just beyond the…
We all have a story. And this is one reason I went looking for God outside of main stream Christianity. You see, my first memories are of attending a Presbyterian church while studying at a Catholic school. Then, my family moved to a Methodist church and I studied at a Southern Baptist school. I converted to Mormonism later is my life, after a brief stint with Atheism.
How much higher are God’s ways and thoughts than ours? Oh, merciful God… when will we learn to stop running and fully trust you?
We are called to be stewards over all creation. One aspect that we do not necessarily think about is our energy, because we don’t see it as physical. It is such a part of us we seem to take it for granted. It is our vital force, the נשימת החיים, the nishmat chayyim-Hebrew for “Breath of Life,” called our Prana, the universal energy that infuses and vitalizes all matter, in Yoga.
Every being on the planet, human, animal and plant. Respect life as it comes from the same divine Source as yourself.