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Edification – Page 33 – The Fellowship of Christ

Yod Hei and the Priesthood

“Trust ye in the YHVH forever: for in YH, YHVH is everlasting strength.” -Isaiah 26:4 There is a two-letter name for God: YH (יה), or Yod Hei, pronounced “Yah.” There is a misunderstanding that this is a shortened form of YHVH or Yahveh, more commonly Jehovah. However, this name of God is actually the lost teaching of the Parent Gods, Elohim: Avinu (God the Father) and His wife Shekinah (Queen of Heaven). To some this will mean the male and female portions…

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The Olive Leaf

A letter to Brother William W Phelps, from Joseph Smith Jr. Kirtland January 11, 1833 and a revelation recorded pages 158-161 of Revelation Book 1. Community of Christ (Section 85:1-16) and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Section 88:1-65) Changes made for clarity by inspiration for use for the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship are in italics.

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The Revelations of Havah Pratt

The following revelations of Havah Pratt were voted on and sustained as canon for use in the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship by the Assembly of Saints April 6, 2020. This collection of revelations will be added to the Second Book of Mormon, as compiled by Alexei Christopher Mattanovich.

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The Shulemna

I, Shulem, Messenger of Light, am come to show thee the things of the past and things which must shortly come. I come to you from the Holy City, the regions of light; the city whose name is Salem, meaning the peace of God, the holiness of God and the righteousness of the people whose glory is the glory of God. There are those in that city who belong to the Holy Order of God and whose work in God…

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