The following revelation was received by David on the morning of January 30, 2021.

  1. Verily, verily I say unto you, my friends of the Fellowship of Christ: Your prayers have been heard of the Lord of the Sabaoth; therefore, fear not my children of the everlasting covenant;
  2. Let your hearts be comforted and rejoice evermore; for ye have been sealed in the renewed testament; give thanks therefore, and all things shall work together for your good and to my name’s glory, saith the Lord of Hosts.
  3. I have said unto thee: Build mine house, and you have come before me asking for instructions on building the Tent of the Congregation, even a tabernacle to take from place to place that I may have a house therein to dwell;
  4. And even though this was not as I asked, it is for a wise purpose in me that ye shall do this thing; therefore, I shall guide thee even as I guided mine ancient Israel, with a cloud of smoke by the day and a fire at the night, for I AM the light and the life of the world.
  5. ¶ Behold: the inner court of my temples, or the Holy of Holies, shall be set to the westernmost end, and it shall be 20 cubits, by 20 cubits, by 20 cubits, which is to say 30 feet, by 30 feet, by 30 feet;
  6. But for thy purposes at the present, it shall be 15 feet, by 15 feet, by 15 feet; and this too ye shall do for my synagogues, but my temples shall be 30 feet, by 30 feet, by 30 feet in my Holy of Holies.
  7. And the Holy of Holies shall no more be kept hidden, but shall be used to house my bride, my Shekinah, even the congregation of my Church;
  8. For ye are my body, wherefore ye are worthy to enter and partake of the supper of the covenant of our marriage, yea even the Sacrament of Communion:
  9. Have I not asked thee to wear the tzitzits? And are these not a sign that ye are a royal generation, even a royal priesthood in my name?
  10. And ye are the kings and queens, even the Priests and Priestesses of the Most High God, and therefore ye are worthy.
  11. ¶ Set ye four poles to hang the four sheets, with an opening to the east that all might enter, and an opening to the west; and this shall be thy Eden as thou returneth unto me in teshuvah.
  12. And in it ye shall place an altar, the ark of my covenant with thee, to be used to store the tools of thy ministry; and upon it ye shall bless all things that ye should bless unto me, and ye shall use it for the Sacrament of the Endowments, as ye have been instructed in the Book of Remembrance; and there ye shall read the words of my prophets.
  13. And when it is not in use, ye shall keep the Book of the Law of the Lord open to my commandments there upon the altar, beginning even with this: I, YHVH thy Elohim, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; thou shalt have none other gods before me.
  14. And this ye shall do, for this is mine house and my tabernacle; therefore, ye shall do this that all shall be reminded of my Law, my Torah.
  15. ¶ And to the East of my Sanctuary shall be unto me an outer sanctuary, the outer court; yea, even the Holy Place, for giving instruction, and for times when there are people so numerous that they flow out from the Holy of Holies;
  16. י (Yod) And at the West part of this room, upon the sheet that shall divide the Holy of Holies to the west, and the Holy Place to the East, thou shall place upon the curtain the emblems of the Ministry:
  17. The square for the justice of Elohim, and the compass for my mercy, and the symbol of my Holy Spirit and also a sign unto them and to all generations that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that I, even Jesus, am the Christ: Son of the Living God.
  18. ה (Hei) And at the north part of this room, ye shall place a table that shall house my shewbread, in remembrance of my Shekinah; and it shall be kept fresh at all times that my congregation shall be nourished;
  19. And behold, if any shall come in, in want of bread, this thou shall give unto them to eat; therefor thou shall keep food aplenty that all may be edified in my name.
  20. ו (Vav) And at the East part of this room, ye shall place an altar of incense at the entrance, in remembrance of the Father (and I am the Father, and the Father is in me);
  21. And the altar shall be one cubit wide, and one cubit deep, and two cubits high; which is to say, one and a half feet wide, and one and a half feet deep, and three feet high;
  22. And it shall bear rings upon the opposite sides, through which my priests and priestesses shall use poles to carry it;
  23. And it shall be hollow, with a grate upon the top to collect the ashes; and it shall be cleaned upon the first day of every week.
  24. And upon the altar ye shall pour oil for a dedication; but after this, it is pure, and no more oil shall be poured; but it shall be used to burn incense that a sweet savor shall be in mine house.
  25. ה (Hei) And to the south ye shall place a table that shall house my menorah which shall hold seven lights which shall burn brightly to be as a light unto my people, in remembrance of my Spirit, that it may be with all they that shall enter;
  26. And the menorah shall house seven lights for the seven days of my creation, and the seven archangels over the seven dispensations, for this is the time of the restoration of all things; and it shall be in the shape of a tree in remembrance of Eve, the mother of all living.
  27. ¶ And behold: this outer court in my temple shall be 20 cubits, by 40 cubits, by 20 cubits, which is to say 30 feet, by 60 feet, by 30 feet;
  28. But for thy purposes at the present, it shall be 15 feet, by 30 feet, by 15 feet; and this too ye shall do for my synagogues, but my temples shall be 30 feet, by 60 feet, by 30 feet in my Holy Place.
  29. ¶ And to the North there shall be a Court of the Sisterhood, and it shall be for instructing the women and those that identify as women; and it shall open to the South into the Holy Place.
  30. And this court shall be 20 cubits, by 40 cubits, by 20 cubits, which is to say 30 feet, by 60 feet, by 30 feet;
  31. But for thy purposes at the present, it shall be 15 feet, by 30 feet, by 15 feet; and this too ye shall do for my synagogues, but my temples shall be 30 feet, by 60 feet, by 30 feet in this, the Court of Women.
  32. And this Court shall have a curtain in the middle—two curtains that may be drawn apart for the whole of the Sisterhood, or closed that the Sisters of the Low Priesthood may meet to the East, and the Sisters of the High Priesthood may meet to the West;
  33. And there shall be two openings to the South, that my Sisters might travel to and fro the outer court;
  34. And there shall be an opening to the East and the West of this court, that my Daughters might enter as they please from the east and depart as they will from the West.
  35. ¶ And to the South there shall be a Court of the Brotherhood, and it shall be for instructing the men and those that identify as men; and it shall open to the North into the Holy Place;
  36. And this court shall be 20 cubits, by 40 cubits, by 20 cubits, which is to say 30 feet, by 60 feet, by 30 feet;
  37. But for thy purposes at the present, it shall be 15 feet, by 30 feet, by 15 feet; and this too ye shall do for my synagogues, but my temples shall be 30 feet, by 60 feet, by 30 feet in this, the Court of Men.
  38. And this Court shall have a curtain in the middle—two curtains that may be drawn apart for the whole of the Brotherhood, or closed that the Brothers of the Low Priesthood may meet to the East, and the Brothers of the High Priesthood may meet to the West;
  39. And there shall be two openings to the North, that my Brothers might travel to and fro the outer court;
  40. And there shall be an opening to the east and the west of this court, that my Sons might enter as they please from the east and depart as they will from the West.
  41. ¶ And beyond the walls of my temples ye shall grow unto me sacred groves of oak trees, and of nut trees, and of trees bearing all manner of fruits;
  42. And this ye shall do that my people and all of my creation may find nourishment and be filled of the good things of my creation.
  43. And in these groves ye shall plant an altar, even as did my servant Jacob, that ye shall have a place to offer thy libationsa, and that my daughters shall once again have a place to sing and dance and have joy in their creation, as they did in the days of Miriam.
  44. And it is my will that my daughters shall listen to my voice to know mine ordinances, and that they might restore the daughters of Israel to my ways;
  45. Therefore, listen ye to my voice as spoken to my Elect Lady, and my Daughter of Zion, and my Dove bearing the olive branch; for these are the Miriam of thy days: the judge, and the restorer, and the bringer of peace.
  46. ¶ And Behold, ye shall build also a place to baptize and wash clean those that would come unto me; and this ye shall do with wisdom, and as suited to the lands wherein ye shall dwell;
  47. And if it shall be that thy mikvehb shall be built under the inner court, to the West, before the curtain of the Holy of Holies in my temples,
  48. Or if ye desire to house thy mikveh in a room to the East of the outer court, in a court of the Gentiles, this too ye may do;
  49. Therefore, do so as ye see fit as to thy mikveh for thy washings and thy Sacrament of Baptism in my synagogues and in my temples.
  50. ¶ And this too shall ye build unto me, saith the Lord thy God: The Tent of the Presence; and this shall be as a meeting place for the Council of Elders and to know my will.
  51. And at the first, this may be a small tabernacle unto me, even as a Holy of Holies being 15 feet, by 15 feet, by 15 feet;
  52. But I would command ye to build me a house in the Center Place, even in Zion—that is Missouri—that ye may meet together once a year, that my will be known;
  53. And this too shall be used by they that seek my face, and desire to dwell in my presence;
  54. But behold, it is my will that all shall have a temple in their homes, that these might too be my synagogues and ye may seek my face wherever ye may be each day.
  55. And when ye shall build the School of the Prophets in Zion, there shall thou build the Tent of the Presence, and then it shall be 30 feet, by 30 feet, by 30 feet.
  56. And there too, at the School of the Prophets, ye shall build a mikveh for mine washings and anointings;
  57. And there the tabernacle shall stand when it is not in use, that it may be used by the School as they see fit.
  58. ¶ Behold, I say unto thee, David, and what I say to thee I say unto all the Saints of the Fellowship of Christ; and what I say unto the Fellowship I say unto all those that would be Saints, or that would call themselves mine:
  59. Do not think that I ask this of thee that I might have a place to dwell, for all the earth is the footstool of my creation;
  60. And think thee not that thou must enter mine house to know me or to dwell in my presence; for behold, I say unto thee: Where thou art, there am I also;
  61. Thou doeth not come into my temples to be in my presence, but thou and thy fellow Saints bring my presence into mine house.
  62. Yea, and why then do I ask thee: Build me a house that I may rest? This I do for thy sake, that my people may together find rest in fellowship in my presence;
  63. Therefore, go ye and build a house in my name, that ye shall have a place to worship in my name, and to celebrate with thy fellow Saints the new moons, the full moons, the Sabbaths, and all other Holy Days that I, the Lord, have given thee.
  64. And now I say unto thee: Go now, and build me a tabernacle, and build my temple, and unite my Saints in my name; even Jesus Christ, the Great I AM; Even so, Amen and Amen.


a. Libations: the pouring of liquids in ritual worship; libations were part of ancient Judaism, as mentioned in the Bible: “And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he talked with him, even a pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon” (Genesis 35:14). When receiving this part of the revelation, David was given a vision of the door or curtains of the Holy of Holies being opened and a Priest declaring the new moon and pouring oil on a altar in a small grove outside the temple, after declaring the new month. And he saw a Priestess during a full moon as the altar, pouring water to nourish the grove after declaring the full moon.

b. Mikveh or mikvah (Hebrew: מִקְוֶה / מקווה‎): a bath used for the purpose of ritual immersion (baptism) to achieve ritual purity.