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Marriage – The Fellowship of Christ


Poly Problems

Polygamy (used here to describe polygyny, a marriage in which one man has multiple spouses; polyandry, a marriage in which one woman has multiple spouses; polyculy, those having more than one husband and wife, or a group marriage) are ways some relationships are enjoyed. They aren’t for everyone and not every person that identifies as “poly” is in a polygamous relationship. And that’s okay. There is a misguided idea floating around that choosing to make another person’s feelings and desires…

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The Law of Sarah

The following revelation was given to David in Ohio on January 11, 2018.  David was studying the 132nd section of the Latter-day Saints’ Doctrine and Covenants, and upon reading the last verse he prayed to know when we would reveal more unto us as promised. He was told the two revelations given on April 18, 2016 were answers to that promise and given further information. This revelation was voted and accepted as scripture by the Council of Elders of the…

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